D A P H N I S Depth-Averaged Plane Hydrotechnical Networks Integrated Simulation The code DAPHNIS is intended do simulate both one- and two- dimensional depth-averaged transient flow in domains of complex shape, such as networks of channels, systems of channels and reservoirs, single or coupled hydrotechnical objects. Equations of the mathematical model of flow, namely the vertically averaged Navier-Stokes equations: dH d(hu) d(hv) -- + ----- + ----- = 0 , dt dx dy d(hu) d(bhu^2+P) d(bhuv) dH ----- + ---------- + ------- + gh( Sx + -- ) = n div Tx , dt dx dy dx d(hv) d(bhuv) d(bhv^2+P) dH ----- + ------- + ---------- + gh( Sy + -- ) = n div Ty , dt dx dy dy include: advective terms, hydrostatic pressure term, source term (including bed slope and Manning-Strickler vertically averaged bottom stress effect), viscous term in the form of Boussinesq's turbulent stress tensor with constant vs. Kuipers' eddy viscosity approach. Viscosity terms are optional. The equations can be additionally averaged in the model by introduction of rigid-lid cross-sectional assumption or by total cross-sectional averaging of flow. They can also be reduced to 1-D flow equations. Boundary conditions support situations that commonly appear in real flow problems, including local stage and discharge time-dependent conditions, nonlocal discharge conditions with flow redistribution rules, over- and underflow weir-type conditions in all regimes of flow. No assumptions are made about flow regime within the modelled domain. Viscous flow can be modelled with several slip conditions. No moving-boundary conditions have been elaborated up to now, although several simple patterns can be confidently reproduced by the code with drying/wetting technique over fixed grid. Numerical solution of IBV problem for flow equations is obtained in Finite Volume convention by approximate Riemann solvers technique, which enables automatic capturing of discontinuities as well as high-resolution numerical solutions fulfilling the energy inequality. Spatial resolution is achieved by componentwise MUSCL formulation with limiting gradients of conserved fields. A variety of time-marching integrators is provided, including explicit 2-nd order Adams and Runge-Kutta rules, weighted implicit Crank-Nicholson and midpoint rules. Alternate-direction implicit rules (ADI) are under construction.