Conferences Attended
I had a pleasure to attend the following conferences:
- 12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 13,
- Monopoli (Bari), Italy, 21-26.09. 1997,
- Odpady Organiczne a Ochrona i Produktywność Agrocenozy,
- (Organic Wastes and the Protection and Productivity of Agrocenozis),
- Modliszewice, Poland, 23-25. 09. 1996,
- 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, IHSS 8,
- Wroclaw, Poland, 9-14. 09. 1996,
- I had a preavilidge to organize this conference as the IHSS 8 secretary,
- Environmentalne Problemy Sucasneho Polnohospodarstva,
- (Environmental Problems of the Modern Agriculture),
- Nitra, Slovakia, 11-12. 04.1996,
- Środowisko Glebowe - Degradacja i Zagospodarowanie,
- (Soil Environment - Degradation and Management),
Wrocław, Poland, 20-22. 09. 1995,
- 12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 12,
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-8. 09. 1995,
- 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, ISEG 3,
- Kraków, Poland, 12-15. 09. 1994,
- Nove Poznatky Zvysovania Produkcnej Schopnosti Pod,
- (New Approaches of Increasing of the Soil Productivity),
Nitra, Slovakia, 6-7. 09. 1994,
- 15th World Congress of Soil Science Society,
- Acapulco, Mexico, 10-16. 07. 1994, (co-author of invited paper),
- 85 Annual Meetings of American Society of Agronomy,
- Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America,
- Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 8-13. 11. 1993, (Invited paper),
- 11 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 11,
- Salamanca, Spain, 27.09 - 1.10. 1993,
- Fourth International KfK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil,
- Berlin, Germany, 3-7. 05. 1993,
- EUROSOL - European Conference on Integrated Research
- for Soil and Sediment Protection and Remediation",
Maastricht, The Netherlands, 6-12. 09. 1992,
- 1st International EIPOS-Ecological Colloquy,
- Dresden, Germany, 26-28. 08. 1992,
- First Workshop of the International Soil Science Society, Working Group MO:
- "Impact of Interaction of Inorganic, Organic and Microbiological Soil Components",
- Edmonton, Canada, 11-15 .08. 1992,
- Symposium of the Subcommision B of the International Soil Science Society:
- "Applied Soil Micromorphology",
- Braunschweig, Germany, 10-11. 12. 1991, (invited paper),
- Bigeochemiczne i Fizyczne Przemiany Zanieczyszczeń i Odpadów Przemysłowych",
- (Biochemical and Physical Changes of the Wastes of the Industrial Origin),
Zabrze, Poland, 5-7. 11. 1991,
- 10 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 10,
- San Francisco, USA, 19-23. 08.1991,
- Soil and Agro-Ecosystem Production,
- Bratislava, Slovakia, 22-25. 10. 1990,
- 9 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 9,
- Moscow, Russia, 4-8.09. 1989,
- International Conference "Vyvetrivanije i pochvoobrazovatelnije procesy
- na otvalah tehnogennyh landstatov,
- (Weathering and soil forming processes on the industrialized landscapes),
Konin, Poland, 1989,
- Soil Conservation and Environment,
- Piestany-Spa,Slovakia, 29. 05 - 2. 06. 1989,
- Gleby Kotliny Warszawskiej, (Soils of the Warsaw Valley),
- Warszawa, Poland, 28-30. 09. 1988,
- International Symposium "Humus et Planta IX",
- Prague, Czechoslovakia, 22-26.08.1988,
- Stan Ekologiczny Dolnego Śląska, (The Ecological Status of the Lower Silesia),
- Wroclaw, Poland, 21. 03. 1987,
- Podniesienie Produkcyjności Gleb Lekkich,
- (Improvement of the Productivity of Sandy Soils),
- Zielona Góra, Poland, 18-20. 09. 1985,
- Wpływ Zanieczyszczenia Pierwiastkami Śladowymi na Przyrodnicze Warunki Roln.,
- (Effect of Trace Elements Pollution on Agricultural Environment Quality),
Puławy, Poland, 28-30. 05. 1985,
- Gospodarka Surowcami Skał Litych na Dolnym Śląsku,
- (Management of the Solid Rocks on Lower Silesia),
- Wroclaw, Poland, 24-25. 05. 1979.