Conferences Attended

I had a pleasure to attend the following conferences:

12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 13,
Monopoli (Bari), Italy, 21-26.09. 1997,
Odpady Organiczne a Ochrona i Produktywność Agrocenozy,
(Organic Wastes and the Protection and Productivity of Agrocenozis),
Modliszewice, Poland, 23-25. 09. 1996,
8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, IHSS 8,
Wroclaw, Poland, 9-14. 09. 1996,
I had a preavilidge to organize this conference as the IHSS 8 secretary,
Environmentalne Problemy Sucasneho Polnohospodarstva,
(Environmental Problems of the Modern Agriculture),
Nitra, Slovakia, 11-12. 04.1996,
Środowisko Glebowe - Degradacja i Zagospodarowanie,
(Soil Environment - Degradation and Management),
Wrocław, Poland, 20-22. 09. 1995,
12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 12,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-8. 09. 1995,
3rd International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, ISEG 3,
Kraków, Poland, 12-15. 09. 1994,
Nove Poznatky Zvysovania Produkcnej Schopnosti Pod,
(New Approaches of Increasing of the Soil Productivity),
Nitra, Slovakia, 6-7. 09. 1994,
15th World Congress of Soil Science Society,
Acapulco, Mexico, 10-16. 07. 1994, (co-author of invited paper),
85 Annual Meetings of American Society of Agronomy,
Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 8-13. 11. 1993, (Invited paper),
11 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 11,
Salamanca, Spain, 27.09 - 1.10. 1993,
Fourth International KfK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil,
Berlin, Germany, 3-7. 05. 1993,
EUROSOL - European Conference on Integrated Research
for Soil and Sediment Protection and Remediation",
Maastricht, The Netherlands, 6-12. 09. 1992,
1st International EIPOS-Ecological Colloquy,
Dresden, Germany, 26-28. 08. 1992,
First Workshop of the International Soil Science Society, Working Group MO:
"Impact of Interaction of Inorganic, Organic and Microbiological Soil Components",
Edmonton, Canada, 11-15 .08. 1992,
Symposium of the Subcommision B of the International Soil Science Society:
"Applied Soil Micromorphology",
Braunschweig, Germany, 10-11. 12. 1991, (invited paper),
Bigeochemiczne i Fizyczne Przemiany Zanieczyszczeń i Odpadów Przemysłowych",
(Biochemical and Physical Changes of the Wastes of the Industrial Origin),
Zabrze, Poland, 5-7. 11. 1991,
10 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 10,
San Francisco, USA, 19-23. 08.1991,
Soil and Agro-Ecosystem Production,
Bratislava, Slovakia, 22-25. 10. 1990,
9 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, ISEB 9,
Moscow, Russia, 4-8.09. 1989,
International Conference "Vyvetrivanije i pochvoobrazovatelnije procesy
na otvalah tehnogennyh landstatov,
(Weathering and soil forming processes on the industrialized landscapes),
Konin, Poland, 1989,
Soil Conservation and Environment,
Piestany-Spa,Slovakia, 29. 05 - 2. 06. 1989,
Gleby Kotliny Warszawskiej, (Soils of the Warsaw Valley),
Warszawa, Poland, 28-30. 09. 1988,
International Symposium "Humus et Planta IX",
Prague, Czechoslovakia, 22-26.08.1988,
Stan Ekologiczny Dolnego Śląska, (The Ecological Status of the Lower Silesia),
Wroclaw, Poland, 21. 03. 1987,
Podniesienie Produkcyjności Gleb Lekkich,
(Improvement of the Productivity of Sandy Soils),
Zielona Góra, Poland, 18-20. 09. 1985,
Wpływ Zanieczyszczenia Pierwiastkami Śladowymi na Przyrodnicze Warunki Roln.,
(Effect of Trace Elements Pollution on Agricultural Environment Quality),
Puławy, Poland, 28-30. 05. 1985,
Gospodarka Surowcami Skał Litych na Dolnym Śląsku,
(Management of the Solid Rocks on Lower Silesia),
Wroclaw, Poland, 24-25. 05. 1979.

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