
Publikacje i komunikaty
Drozd J., Licznar M., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1997): Pedology - A Handbook with - Elements of Mineralogy and Petrography (in Polish). ISBN 83-85582-57-6,
Wyd. AR Wroclaw, 210 pp.
Licznar M., Drozd J., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1996): Influence of the "Humidol" on - some chemical and physicochemical properties of sandy soils (in Polish).
Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Roln., z 437, 265-270.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J., Licznar S.E. (1996): Chemical indices of municipal - compost maturity (in Polish) . Zesz. Probl. Post. Naukl Roln., z 437, 139-146.
Weber J. (1996): Forms of heavy metals occurance in soils strongly polluted by - industrial emissions. Zbornik z Med. Ved. Konf. ”Environmentalne problemy sucasneho polnohospodarstva”, VSP Nitra, 31-35.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Jamroz E., Patorczyk B., Rabikowska B., Weber J. (1996): - Changes of the chemical composition of municipal wastes during composting process. Zbornik z Med. Ved. Konf. ”Environmentalne problemy sucasneho polnohospodarstva”, VSP Nitra, 2-6.
Drozd J., Weber J. (Eds) (1996): The role of humic substances in the ecosystem and - in environmental protection. Abstracts of the 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society. ISBN 83-90643-0-9, PTSH Wroclaw, 330 pp.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J. (1996): The content of heavy metals in the ectohumus- horizons of soils of degraded forest ecosystem in the Karkonosze Mountains.
Polish J. Soil Science, vol. XXIX, 1, 33-38.
Weber J. (1995): Submicromorphology of contaminants emitted to the soil by - the copper smelters (in Polish). Zesz. Probl. Post. Naukl Roln., z 418, 527-534.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J. (1995): Content of heavy metals in ectohumus layers - of soils of degraded forest ecosystem in the Karkonosze Mountains (in Polish).
Zesz. Probl. Post. Naukl Roln., z 418, suplement, 851-857.
Weber J. (1995): Submicromorphological characteristics of soil environment changed - by copper smelters emissions (in Polish). Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu, Nr 269, Rozprawy CXXXVI, 61pp.
Licznar S.E., Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J. (1994): Influence of some fertility - elements on the winter wheat yield on the eroded orthic grayzems.
Nove poznatki Zvysoania Produkcnej Schopnosti Pod, VSP Nitra, 28-33.
Licznar M., Drozd J., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1994): Influence of erosion processes - on the winter wheat yield at the area of th orthic luvisols.
Nove poznatki Zvysoania Produkcnej Schopnosti Pod, VSP Nitra, 22-27.
Drozd J., Jamroz E., Licznar M., Weber J. (1994): Relationships between different - elements of the soil feritility and their effect on the horse bean yield.
Nove poznatki Zvysoania Produkcnej Schopnosti Pod, VSP Nitra, 16-21.
McSweeney K., Weber J., Arocena L., Yao L. (1994): Micromorphological assessment- of degraded soil-landscapes. In: "Transactions of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science", Acapulco, Mexico, vol. 6a, Commision V: Symposia, 272-280.
Weber J. (1993): Humus substances impact on the accumulation and migration of- some heavy metals originated from industry emitted dust (in Polish).
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 411, 283-292.
Weber J. (1993): Submicroscopic investigation of soils polluted by heavy metals. - In: H.J.P. Eijsackers and T. Hamers (Eds). "Integrated Soil and Sediment Research: A Basis for Proper Protection". Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 284-286.
Weber J. (1992): Scanning electron microscope application for investigation of - heavy metal contaminated soils. In: "EIPOS, No 9. Referate zum 1 Internationalen EIPOS - Koloquium Umweltwissenschaften", Drezden, 204-208.
Weber J. (1991): Copper, lead and zinc translocation in some soils contaminated with - copper smelter emitted dust, leached with water of different reaction (in Polish). In: Materiały Konferencji Naukowej: "Poznawcze i praktyczne efekty badań prowadzonych w CPBP 03.11", IPIŚ PAN, Zabrze, Poland, 300-308.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J. (1991): Agricultural Soil Science. Handbook for- students of Agricultural Faculty (in Polish). Agricultural University of Wrocław, pp 235.
Weber J. (1991): Investigations of humus content influence on the accumulation of- some heavy metals emitted by copper industry (in Polish). In: Materiały Konferencji Naukowej: "Poznawcze i praktyczne efekty badań prowadzonych w CPBP 03.11", IPIŚ PAN, Zabrze, Poland, 287-299.
Weber J. (1989): Submicroscopic characteristics of industry originated calcite-gypsum- sediments derived nearby the copper smelter heap. In: Sbornik Dokladov "Vywietryvanie i pochvoobrazovatelnyje procesy na otvalach technogennych technogennych landsztatov", Konin, Poland, vol. 2., 424-432.
Weber J. (1989): Micromorphological evidence of surface structure changes- contributing to runoff and erosion of heavy metal polluted soils. In: Int. Sci. Conf. "Soil Melioration" (papers), Sofia, 52 - 57.
Drozd J., Kowaliński S., Licznar S., Weber J (1988): Micromorphometric and- submicroscopic study of diagnostic horizons of different brownearth soils. In: Reznicek R. (Ed) "Physical Properties of Agricultural Materials and Products", Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washington - New York - London, 885-891.
Kowaliński S., Weber J. (1988): A micromorphological study of a brown leached soil- profile polluted by the copper smelter Legnica (Poland) since 1959. Catena, vol. 15, no.3/4, 303-317.
Weber J. (1987): Ecological status of soils of Lower Silesia (in Polish). In: Stan- ekologiczny Dolnego Śląska, Mazurski R. (Ed), Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Społeczno Kulturalne, Wrocław, 107-136.
Weber J., Kowaliński S. (1987): Suitability of scanning electron microscope and- electron microprobe analyser to heavy metal polluted soils investigations (in Polish). Archiwum Ochrony Środowiska, no 1/2, 193-206.
Borkowski J., Drozd J., Laskowski S., Licznar M., Licznar S., Strączyńska S., Weber J.- (1985): Soil Science Practices. Part I. (in Polish). Agricultural University of Wrocław, pp 48.
Kowaliński S., Weber J. (1983): Micromorphological and physico-chemical properties- of some variously utilised brown soils derived from serpentinite. Polish Journal Soil Science, vol. 16, no. 1, 71-78.
Weber J. (1982): Genesis and properties of soils derived from serpentinites in Lower- Silesia. Part IV. Characteristics of colloidal fraction (in Polish). Roczn. Glebozn., v. 33, no. 1/2, 73-78.
Weber J. (1981): Genesis and properties of soils derived from serpentinites in Lower- Silesia. Part III. Physico-chemical properties (in Polish). Roczniki Glebozn., vol. 32, no. 2, 145-162.
Kowaliński S., Weber J. (1980): Some properties of Lower Silesia serpentinites as- material to fertilisation (in Polish). In: Gospodarka surowcami skał litych na Dolnym Śląsku, PAN Wrocław, 197-208.
Weber J. (1980): Genesis and properties of soils derived from serpentinites in Lower- Silesia. Part II. Micromorphological features (in Polish). Roczniki Glebozn., vol. 31, no. 2, 77-100.
Weber J. (1980): Genesis and properties of soils derived from serpentinites in Lower- Silesia. Part I. Characteristics of parent rock (in Polish). Roczniki Glebozn., vol. 31, no. 1, 145-161.
Kowaliński S., Weber J. (1979): The application of the polarisation-interference- microscope in soil micromorphological studies. Polish J. Soil Science, vol. 12, no. 1, 65-69.
Licznar M., Drozd J., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1996): Influence of the "Humidol" on some chemical and physicochemical properties of sandy soils (in Polish). Mat. Konf. Nauk. Odpady organiczne a ochrona i produktywność agrocenozy. AR Lublin, Modliszewice, 66.
Drozd J., Licznar M., Weber J., Licznar S.E. (1996): Chemical indices of municipal compost maturity (in Polish). Mat. Konf. Nauk. Odpady organiczne a ochrona i produktywność agrocenozy. AR Lublin, Modliszewice, 59.
Weber J. (1996): The column experiment on different humus substances impact on the accumulation and migration of heavy metals originated from industry emited dust. 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wroclaw, Poland, Abstracts, 269.
Drozd J., Jezierski A., Licznar M., Weber J. (1996): IR spectra and elemental analysis of humic acids isolated from MSW composts in different stages of maturity. 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wroclaw, Poland, Abstracts, 207.
Drozd J., Jamroz E., Licznar M., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1996): Transformation of organic matter during composting of the municipal wastes. 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wroclaw, Poland, Abstracts, 206.
Drozd J., Jamroz E., Licznar M., Licznar S.E., Weber J. (1996): Changes of elemental composition of fulvic and humic acids during composting of municipal solid wastes. 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wroclaw, Poland, Abstracts, 205.
Weber J. (1995): Scanning electron microscope approach to forms of heavy metals in soils polluted by the copper smelter. "12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeoche-mistry", Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Abstracts. 100.
Weber J., Drozd J., Licznar M. (1995): Heavy metal concentration in soils of forest ecosystem degraded by long-distance industrial emissions in the Karkonosze National Park, Sudety Mountains, Poland. "12 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry", Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Abstracts. 101.
Weber J. (1994): Scanning electron microscope comparison of heavy metal rich particles from soil and snow collected in the vicinity of the copper smelter. "3rd International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry", Kraków, Poland, Abstracts, 434-434.
McSweeney K., Weber J., Arocena L., Yao L. (1994): Micromorphological assessment of degraded soil-landscapes. "15th World Congress Soil Science Society", Acapulco, Mexico, (invited paper).
Weber J. (1993): Case study on soils contaminated by industrial emissions in Poland. "85 Annual Meetings of American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America", Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Abstracts, (Invited paper).
Weber J. (1993): Environmental factors influence on heavy metal concentration in soils in the vicinity of the copper smelters. "11 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeoche-mistry", Salamanca, Spain, Abstracts.
Fedoroff N., and Weber J. (1992): Alteration of an alfisol by ninety years of sewage percolation. "9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology", Sub-Commission B of the International Soil Science Society, Townsville, Australia, Abstracts, 150.
Weber J. (1992): Submicroscopic investigation of heavy metal polluted soils. "EUROSOL - European Conference on Integrated Research for Soil and Sediment Protection and Remedia-tion", Maastricht, The Netherlands, Abstracts, W 4-3.
Weber J. (1992): Humus substance impact on accumulation and migration of heavy metals originated from industry emitted dust. "6 Meeting of International Humic Substances Society", Monopoli, Italy, Abstracts, 343.
Weber J. (1992): Soil Environment pollution with heavy metals emitted by copper smelter- the submicroscopic approximation. First Workshop of the International Soil Science Society, Working Group MO: "Impact of interaction of inorganic, organic and microbiological soil components", Edmonton, Canada, Abstracts, 55.
Weber J. (1991): Micromorphological approach to soil pollution problems. Symposium of the Subcommision B of the International Soil Science Society: "Applied Soil Micromorphology", Braunschweig, Germany, (invited paper).
Weber J. (1991): Application of submicroscopioc methods for investigation of heavy metal polluted soils. "10 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry", San Francisco, USA, Abstracts, 47.
Weber J. (1991): Submicromorphological properties of some mineral neoformations derived in the soil environment as a result of copper smelter activity. "2 Int. Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry", Uppsala, Sweden, Abstracts.
Weber J. (1989): Submicroscopic properties of dust particles contaminating soil environment around the copper smelter. "9 International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry", Moscow, Russia, Abstracts, 140.
Weber J. (1989): Submicroscopic characteristics of industry originated calcite-gypsum sediments derived nearby the copper smelter heap (in Russian). International Conference "Vyvetrivanije i pochvoobrazovatelnije procesy na otvalah tehnogennyh landstatov", IPIŚ PAN, Konin, Poland, Abstracts, 4.
Weber J. (1989): Chemical and micromorphological properties of soils under the influence of copper industry. International Conference "Soil Conservation and Environment". Piestany-Spa, Slovakia, Proceedings, 8-11.
Weber J., Kowalinski S. (1988): Influence of organic matter on the accumulation of heavy metals emitted by copper industry - preliminary model experiment. International Symposium "Humus et Planta IX", Prague, Czechoslovakia, Abstracts, 236.
Kowaliński S., Weber J. (1986): Micromorphological study of a soil profile polluted by copper smeltery. "13 Congress of the International Soil Science Society", Hamburg, Germany, Transactions, vol. IV, 1560-1561.
Drozd J., Kowaliński S., Licznar S., Weber J. (1985): Micromorphometric and submicrosco-pic study of the diagnostic diagnostic horizons of different brownearth soils. 3-rd Intern. Conf. "Physical Properties of Agricultural Materials", Prague, Czech Rep., Proceedings, 187-193.
Weber J., Kowaliński S. (1985): Preliminary studies on application of submicroscopic methods for determination of heavy metals distribution in industrially polluted soils (in Polish). 3rd National Conference "Effect of Trace Elements Pollution on Agricultural Environment Quality". IUNG Puławy, Poland, Proceedings, Part II, 28-31.